Monday 20 June 2016

Summer Solstice and Full Moon - A Rare Combination

Today, June 20th, sees the conjunction of a Full Moon with the Summer Solstice, a rare event which last occurred in 1967, just before the famous - or notorious - "Summer of Love".

Can we expect a similar configuration of energies in the summer of 2016?

Yes and no. That a large, somewhat unfocussed, outpouring of energy is taking place now is evident.  We have already seen a series of violent events take place across the globe, from the mass shootings of homosexuals in a Florida club to the assassination of a Labour MP in England; everything taking place against what has sadly become a familiar backdrop of atrocities committed by Islamic State and other terrorist groups in the Middle East.

They are assassinating Christians, Sufis, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Jews and anyone who does not share Isis's horrific and literally diabolical world view. For I am quite certain that this movement comes straight from the depths of hell. It has so much in common with Hitler and the Nazis, and we should remember that the Nazis and the leaders of various hate-filled Muslim groups at that time were great friends and allies in their aim to exterminate Jews and Christians.

 I'm reminded of Gurdjieff's comments about war, that wars occur when men are stimulated by cosmic tensions, especially when Mars is involved. And Mars has been retrograde in Scorpio for some time now, and will turn direct only on June 29th.

But the cosmic energy itself is neither good nor evil. It depends on how we assimilate it. Cosmic tensions can be used for our own spiritual growth if we are aware of them, and of the I's which they stir up in us. The effort not to identify, to go against the crowd of negative I's in the emotional and intellectual centres which various planetary aspects are now stimulating, can give us a powerful boost on our spiritual path.

Let's look at the significance of the Solstice, and then consider the effect of the Full Moon and the various planetary aspects at work right now. And remember that the cosmic events themselves, though lasting only for a short while in linear time, exert their influence for months, possibly years, to come.

Anthroposophists believe that influences absorbed at the Solstice reach their fruition in nine months' time, just like a human pregnancy. And nine months from today culminates in the March Equinox.

There is much truth in Anthroposophy, which is basically an esoteric form of Christianity, as of course is the Work itself. Theosophy, one of the chief influences on the anthroposophy movement, contains a number of esoteric truths, though unfortunately it became somewhat muddled and ineffectual as the movement spread and was watered down. Ouspensky was a strong supporter of Theosophy in its earlier years, but abandoned it later because he thought it had lost its way.

Anthroposophy, however, reclaimed much of the Theosophical teachings on astrology and solar cycles, and related it to the Christian festivals in a coherent and enlightening manner.

According to this viewpoint - which was espoused by Beryl Pogson, and later by my own teacher, Marian Davison, from whom I learned much invaluable astrological knowledge - the Summer Solstice is the point when the Earth reaches the culmination of its out-breath, so to speak. Immediately afterwards, the Earth begins once more to breathe in, and will reach this maximum point at Christmas.

The solar year is divided into two clear parts; the Winter Solstice, when the Earth begins to breathe out, and the Summer Solstice, when once more the Earth takes an in-breath. The whole cycle is therefore one "breath" of the Earth, each with different emphases and effects.

At each solstice there is a pause between the breaths. At the Winter Solstice, which takes place on December 21st, the pause lasts through to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In the intervening days the sun appears to stand still from the viewpoint of the Earth.

At the Summer Solstice, occuring on June 21st, the sun again appears to stand still until St. John's Tide, or Midsummer Day, on June 24th.

And at this point, the Summer Solstice, "the soul of the earth rises in longing towards the heights, seeking communion with the universe, with the light and warmth of the sun and his companions, the stars .... her long outbreathing is completed, and her whole soul (the collective soul of humanity) has gone forth in devotion ... Matter seeks Spirit, returning to its origin" (from The Christian Year by Evelyn Frances Capel).

In a confused way, not knowing or understanding the real origins of their longing, crowds gather at significant planetary points such as Stonehenge for the celebration of the Solstice. They seem to realize there is a special energy available now, that of the collective human soul and the telluric energies of the Earth itself, which reaches out towards the sun during these special days. This energy can help the individual to become more aware of her deepest spiritual longings, and to see where she is on her individual journey. It increases her power to wish, in the Work sense, from which can come much fruit.

At the Summer Solstice, if you are sensitive to these energies - as most people in the Work surely are - you may experience a real inrush of spiritual growth and insight. If you are wise enough to ask a question now, you will surely receive an answer. You will be shown what you need to do in order to take the next step in your spiritual ascent.

The conjunction of this event with a rare Full Moon gives the whole Solstice a very special coloration.

This Full Moon is the second to occur in Sagittarius - the last one took place in May this year - which is, in itself, a rare event. The archer is reaching forth to shoot her arrows of insight and change into the areas of our lives where we most need this impetus. Each soul must determine for itself what those areas are, and a careful and thorough reading of your own birthchart will show you precisely what you need to change. Everyone interested in cosmic astrology should own an ephemeris, should know the sensitive points in their own birthchart, and be able to relate the heavenly events to their own horoscope. This is real astrology.

I can, however, offer some general remarks. First, the planets are now forming a Grand Cross, though somewhat loosely, which reflects the scattered nature of the energies now. Change is in the air for everyone, and along with this we will all be experiencing some degree of tension, possibly anxiety, concerning major events in our lives. For some, the temptation to identify with worrying I's will be almost impossible to overcome. Yet, it must be done, for otherwise a great opportunity for transformation will be wasted in petty anxieties.

The Sun is conjunct Venus, and this means that, even though change may come more rapidly than we would like, it will be overall positive for all who can take advantage of it. Venus is always beneficent, and if there are stresses in relationships she will help us to find harmony and peace with people who may have been a source of tension.

At the same time, Mars is still retrograde in Scorpio, and will continue to be retrograde until June 29th. This adds to the stirring up of tensions, and means that we need to re-examine some of our past actions and attitudes. Where we ourselves have made mistakes and caused problems for others, we will find we want to resolve them now, even though this may involve some deep psychological and spiritual searching. The process will be painful for some, but it must be undergone, otherwise the tensions will remain and the beneficial effects of Venus will be blocked.

After June 29th, transformation will be rapid - if we have worked for it. We will experience a real breakthrough in situations we had thought impervious to change.

And the Solstice, which is always a gateway for cosmic energies to pour forth upon the Earth, will facilitate these changes in a very positive way.

Mercury in Gemini is opposing Saturn in Sagittarius now, further emphasizing the need for detailed analysis to be accompanied by far-reaching willingness to change. Jupiter is also conjunct the Earth's North Node, showing that all efforts to work on ourselves are under very beneficial influences.

Putting all this together, there could not be a better time for personal work on oneself.

We are now able to offer all that we have learned in the previous year to the heavens, to Conscious Humanity, as embodied in the Sun and the planets. Our offering is joined with those of everyone on a spiritual path who is able to make this offering consciously. And this offering, this festival, is symbolized by the figure of St John, or John the Baptist.

Why this particular saint? Because it is he, the Baptist, who awakens the buried conscience which shows us the way to God.

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