Tuesday 10 January 2017

Outfoxing Your Inner Herod: A Cautionary Post

We've followed the birth of the holy child and have seen how, immediately afterwards, the notorious Hasnamuss King Herod moved to slaughter the newborn king. To achieve his aim he butchered every young male in Bethlehem. Warned in a dream, Joseph took Mary and their tiny baby, Jesus, to Egypt, where they were sheltered by friends.

Those who took the family in were most likely members of the Essenes or Therapeuts, esoteric groups which traced their descent from a combination of Jewish mystical thought and the ancient religion of Egypt. That religion had many features in common with Christianity,  as Gurdjieff recognized. It existed before the birth of Christ and must have been linked even further back with the Sarmoung Brotherhood, perhaps through descendants of the "Society of Learned Chaldeans" who had made their way from Babylon to On-Heliopolis in Egypt.

We've seen how the story of the nativity may be lived out by each one of us, if we work on ourselves. We also noted, in previous posts, that the period from the end of October (Halloween, Samhain, All Saints and All Souls days), right through until Ascension, is a time when the Earth is exposed to certain energies which emanate from way beyond our Solar system, from much higher in the Ray of Creation, energies which boost and vivify our own personal work on ourselves.

Those energies are at their most concentrated form in the period from Advent to Candlemass.

But with each new birth there comes the danger of persecution by "Herod".

Herod - or Amalek, or the Hasnamuss throughout history - hates Essence. It hates all higher energies, all spiritual progress. Its aim is to drag the student down and destroy her spiritual life. From this hatred comes the ancient story of "selling one's soul to the devil" - and it really does happen.

We can see this in the outside world, which is only too full of destructive, ill-willed, murderous groups of Hasnamusses. At present we see them most clearly in the Middle East; the Amaleks, the Hasnamusses, who hate Jews, Christians and moderate Muslims, and are doing their best to wipe them out. They particularly hate Israel, where all of the region's Jews and many Christians now live, having found refuge there; and also because Israel contains a large and well-functioning Work group linked to the Paris Foundation. Of course, the forces of destruction don't know about the Work, but the spiritual energy of such a group produces a very fine vibration which the Hasnamusses may sense. We must pray for the light of that region to overcome its darkness.

Most of all, we need to remember that we, too, harbour Hasnamuss I's.

These I's cluster around Chief Feature and Imaginary I. Both entities seek the destruction of our Essence, because ultimately, if we succeed in moving to a higher level of Being, both will be eliminated. So they cling on for dear life.

And then there are those pesky little I's in Emotional or Intellectual Centres which sap our energy and deplete our work by causing worry, anxiety, depression, fear or anger. They never really disappear in this lifetime, but can bide their time and lurk until we're less conscious and unable to fight them - and then they can pounce and destroy months of work in an instant.

What should we look out for, then, in this inner struggle? How may we best protect our newly-born inner child from our inner Herod, or from the ill-willed I's in other people?

First, I would suggest, watch your internal and external talking. How do you talk to yourself about the Work? Do you let doubts and anxieties overwhelm you, or do you simply observe them and disidentify from them? Any Work problems should, of course, be discussed fully and honestly with your teacher. We have all gone through periods of testing and even inner persecution from I's which reject the Work, for the reasons I've outlined above. There's no need to suffer alone.

Unfortunately, some students, wanting to avoid exposing their problems to the teacher, discuss them instead only with other students or with people outside the Work. By doing so, they risk losing everything they've worked for.

If you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. I could tell you many stories from my own experience as a student and a teacher of the Work for the past 45 years. I've seen capable, sincere students talk badly about the Work with their fellow students and with people who aren't in the Work at all, and end up outside the Work and with no guiding light at all.

Sadly, many of those in our lives have nothing in common with us spiritually. And even when they do, even when they too are seekers after truth, they sometimes have their own agenda for disparaging the Work and the teacher. They may envy us our progress; they may wish to dominate us; they may sow seeds of distrust and discord in our relationship with the teacher and the Work.

That's one of the reasons we in the Work must be very careful about whom we choose as close friends, and whom we live with or marry. Jesus warns us about this: he says it may sometimes be necessary to "hate" those close to us, if they threaten our spiritual life. He didn't mean to literally hate, of course, but that we must put firm boundaries in place between ourselves and those who don't share our values. If we don't do this, we risk losing our contact with the Work and with Conscious Humanity.

 Sometimes we find that so-called "friends" are really highly controlling people who want to be the main influence in our lives - and our Work prevents them from achieving that goal. So they attack the Work, or at least, that particular group, that teacher. And they can lead the naive student right away from the Work, for ever. Such people are Hasnamusses, even though they may appear well-meaning.

I saw this process take place with a young Work student in an English group, who'd made a good beginning and was starting to purify his Emotional Centre. I'll call him Jim. Jim reached some real points of understanding in the Work, so much so that his own Work teacher thought Jim might one day go on to become a teacher himself. But Jim was friendly with someone more intellectually trained than he was and who was jealous of the teacher's influence.  This man could quote various scientists and other "experts" to "prove" that Jim's group was on the wrong track, and Jim began to doubt his teacher and his own inner work.

As Jim fell more and more under the influence of his intellectual "friend" he lost the real gains he had made in the Work. He allowed the false friend to come between himself and his teacher, and to prevent him from working on himself.  Jim's "friend" persuaded him that the two of them should start their own group, calling themselves a Work group but spreading non-Work ideas and teachings, even though Jim's teacher, realizing that something was very wrong, had forbidden Jim to teach. Jim went along with his friend's suggestion, deceiving his own teacher and pretending to obey his instructions while secretly defying him.

A colossal psychological and spiritual black hole resulted, a state of entropy in which much valuable work, energy and insight was lost. Such an act is a spiritual crime, a form of corruption that is taken very seriously at the highest level. Jim had stolen precious energy and time from his teacher, and had behaved like a Hasnamuss. Indeed that is what he had become. The result was that Jim had to be expelled from the Work, much to his teacher's sorrow.

This was a particularly sad case.  I knew all the people involved; Jim was a likable young man with many good qualities, who had shown great potential. It is a huge shame that he has lost the Work, at least in this lifetime. If he is to make any progress at all now it will have to be as a Good Householder, and even then only after much repentance and making amends. This way is much, much slower than the Work. And, like the Work, it requires moral clarity and the courage to be honest and obey one's conscience. Since Jim had lost these attributes it would be very difficult, perhaps impossible, to regain them and begin again. He will never be accepted in any authorized Work group.

 If necessary, we must break with false friends who oppose the Work. Though seemingly well intentioned, out of jealousy they will play the role of Herod in our spiritual life and destroy our work.

All of us in the Work should pray to have the strength and wisdom to guard our understanding as a precious child within us, and to protect it from the harmful wishes of Hasnamuss I's. What's more, we should also pray for those like Jim, who've been deceived in this way by Hasnumuss I's in themselves and in others, that they may think again, or repent, as the Gospels put it, before it is too late.

The Gospels warn that anyone who leads astray a little child - in this case, our newly-birthed understanding in Essence - deserves to have a millstone hung around the neck and to be drowned. .

If we expose that inner child to ill-willed people, to those who don't understand the Work and who may be actually antagonistic towards it, then we are in danger of losing it.

Therefore, our particular task at this point in the year is to watch for the inner Hasnamuss I's, the inner Herod, which seek to destroy what we have so recently gained - and which is still so fragile. And we must remain on our guard against outside influences that are hostile to the Work, the Hasnamuss I's in other people which seek to corrupt and suborn us in order to attack that child.

If necessary, take flight into Egypt.  Don't discuss the Work with anyone except those whom you know to support it, and who share your aims. Your teacher is one, of course, and so are those long- time fellow students whose attitudes and efforts are proof of their own good will towards the Work.

Don't run the risk of losing all that you have so painstakingly worked for now.  Nourish your inner holy child with your understanding so that it may grow into maturity, and your Essence may eventually direct your entire life.

It is for this purpose that you were born.

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