Monday 12 December 2016

The Divine Child Within Us

The Catholic church where I attend Mass has a large statue of the Infant of Prague above the altar. In case you haven't seen it, that statue - which is reputed to have worked many miracles - consists of a beautiful young child, a boy aged about 3 years, wearing splendid robes and a golden crown. The image represents Jesus Christ as a King, but a non-threatening, delightful, very lovable king.

Everyone loves a baby! Until about 5 years old, children live entirely in their Essence. Then you can see the beginnings of Personality forming, but False Personality plays no part in their lives until about 6 or 7, when they start learning negative emotions from the adults around them. A very small baby or child is completely in Essence, and the Infant of Prague shows this truth very clearly.

Dr. Nicoll said that the smile of an infant has a cleansing effect on those around her. We respond directly to the love and joy of another's Essence, which he sometimes termed a person's "darlingness". And the advent of a baby, whether in myth or reality, is always a joyous event, no matter what the circumstances.

Counselling theory tells us that we each have an inner child. In Transactional Analysis (TA) terminology, that child is either "OK",  which is basically the same as being in Essence; or "not OK", which equates to being in False Personality.

Many therapies aim to address the concerns of our inner child. TA encourages clients to observe their thoughts and words, just as the Work does, and to see whereabouts in their inner world they are located at that moment. As well as the Inner Child, we also operate from an Inner Adult or Parent, and there are different voices within these categories. Observation tells us exactly where we are coming from in the present. Skilled counsellors can help us locate ourselves.

In this post, I want to look at the Inner Child, because we are expecting the birth of a Divine Child in the world at Christmas, and the image holds great significance for all of us.

When we are in Essence, we are ageless. Because the Essence is ever youthful, we often find it portrayed in mythology as a Divine Child, or Child Hero. Many religious myths describe miraculous births, and they all embody a universal truth: the Essence within, our spontaneous child, comes from elsewhere.

Essence is not born on Earth. What is born here is the body; the Essence simply continues its journey in a different form.

When you were born, your soul had already been created. Your body was assembled from the DNA
of your parents, but your Essence - your soul - came directly from God.

Essence, once created, is indestructible.

The Work teaches that we are here to learn, to experience difficulties, to grow. Our task at first is to develop Personality, so that we can live as Good Householders, but later it changes, and we need to develop our Essence.

A rich and strong Personality is an asset in the Work, because it creates better food for Essence. Gurdjieff would not accept students unless they had already achieved something in life, whether that was raising children or learning a trade. Someone with no life skills would not be able to nourish their Essence, and since this is the whole point of the Work it would be useless for them to attempt it.

Our Essence is our Inner Child, and that child, springing directly from the hand of God, is divine in origin. The Christmas story reminds us of our own origin, and touches the deepest, most spiritual part of us, our own Essence, where we meet with Real I.

In the Work, we say that Christmas symbolizes a new birth in Essence, and in previous posts we've looked at the reasons why cosmic conditions are especially ripe for such a development at this stage in the earth's yearly round. The whole of humanity could, if people worked on themselves, experience this new birth now. Only from inner work can real progress come, and now is the time for that work to reach its peak in those who are able to respond.

It takes many years before our work can directly benefit our Essence. First, we have to subdue False Personality so that it no longer has power over us, and there are no short cuts in this process. The subordination of Personality itself to Essence occurs later, and it is here that we learn to directly feed our Essence.

 Our Essence should direct our life, not our Personality. And it is this ideal state which is symbolized by the statue of the Infant of Prague. That child is a Divine King, and rules over His creation with benevolence and compassion, just as we are to rule our inner world.

For many people, unfortunately, False Personality, with all its negative emotions and fearful I's, all its anger and resentment, deceit and despair, is what directs their life. You have only to look around you to see that this is true. All the empty promises of consumer society gain their power only from False Personality. And yet, so many ruin their lives and the lives of those around them by chasing after these shadows; they die without ever having truly lived.

Personality rules the majority of so-called "civilized" people. They may have the ability to amass wealth, to organize their lives, to achieve their goals, and to influence others, but if they are not living from Essence then they, too, are inwardly dead. Personality relates to life, not to the spirit. Many people with strong personality are trapped in its shell. They want the rewards of life, not dreaming that there is anything more, but they may begin to catch glimmers of the spiritual world, and then they can choose to follow that, rather than life.

Counselling works on the Personality and the False Personality. Eventually, when a right inner order is reached, spiritual goals may be discerned, and it's then that the Work, or the inner, mystical teachings of religion, can become our way to wholeness.

Essence is born an infant, but to direct our life it must develop into an adult. The Divine Child remains the source of inspiration, but the child must be taught, must be educated in the ways of the world, so that - without ever identifying with them - it can steer a path though this world.

We nourish our Essence when we listen to its needs. Our Inner Child will tell us what it longs for, if we learn to hear its voice. Of course, this means that we have to put in many years of observation so that we understand where each inner voice is coming from. The voices often conflict, and we must be clear about which intuitions and impulses we should follow, and which we must at all costs avoid.

Essence longs for beauty. It is fed with beautiful images, music, poetry, scripture; with the beauty of nature and the awesomeness of mountains and seas.  Just as it appreciates beauty, it also creates beauty. Our creative powers come from our Essence, though it is Personality which knows how to express them in art, craft or writing.

Essence is fed with compassion. Every time we honour our compassionate I's, we are nourishing Essence. We need boundaries, of course, so here again much observation is vital, otherwise we will become codependent and sentimental. Learning to avoid these pitfalls is part of the education we must give our inner child.

Essence lives by Buried Conscience. We have to be very alert to follow its promptings, which always lead us to truth and openness. Lying kills Essence. Lying includes self-deception as well as the deception of others. Once more, observation is the only guide. And we must always be strictly honest with ourselves if our Essence is to flourish. Burying our conscience by self-calming measures leads only to the death of Essence.

People sometimes dream of children or babies. These dreams are often numinous, suffused with great meaning. It may be that a child comes to show us the way on a journey, or we are given a small baby to look after; we may see a neglected child crying for attention, or an infant running along a garden path. All these dreams, and many more, signify that our Essence, our Divine Child, is calling out to us. It needs us so that it may express itself in the world. And we need it, to be the guiding light of our entire life.

If you have a spare moment, you might study a picture of the Infant of Prague and think about what it symbolizes.

The priests who serve our church belong to the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, and they chose that particular statue because they want us to know that our Heavenly King is a completely non-violent, non-judgmental, non-threatening King, He has not come to condemn us or to tyrannize us, as an earthly ruler might do. He wants to draw us by love alone, and in the form of a very young child He comes to solicit our compassionate response.

This Christmas, the Divine Child is calling to us. We await His birth with eagerness and joy. If we have worked for it, we too will experience a new birth within our Essence.

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