Saturday 26 December 2015

The Esoteric Meaning of the Twelve Days of Christmas

The esoteric meaning of the Twelve Days of Christmas has been known since ancient times - actually, since before Christmas itself, since, prior to the birth of Christ, the Winter Solstice and the rebirth of the Sun were celebrated as sacred mysteries.

Everyone knows the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas". It's sung and illustrated everywhere you turn during this season.

But why twelve days? What is the importance of this period?

As I've tried to show in previous posts, this length of time has great significance. The twelve days were always a time of feasting, celebration, joy and goodwill. Christmas, and the festivals that preceded it in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Greece and all over the Northern Hemisphere, was never just one day. 

Only in modern times has mankind forgotten the real meaning of the winter festivals, turning them into orgies of consumerism. Few now remember what it is they are supposed to be celebrating.

Esoteric studies in astrology and astronomy showed ancient philosophers - which, of course, included first and foremost the Sarmoung Brotherhood - that this time of year was exceptionally sacred.

From the farthest reaches of the Universe, energies sent to Earth now are of the very finest, most spiritual nature. They are sent to all forms of organic life, and convey the ideal pattern that the year's unfoldment is meant to bring. They proceed from the heavenly realms closest to the Most Holy Sun Absolute, and reach us in their undiluted form only at this time.

Seeds now dormant in the earth receive the pattern of their growth. This genetic pattern is inherent within the material from which the seed is made, yes, but the vivifying energies of the season that follows the Winter Solstice are essential for the seed to germinate.

Likewise, the animal kingdom also receives the energies needed for continued growth and for new births to occur.

In the case of Man, the three-brained being, these energies are intended to reach our Essence at this time. They will allow Essence to understand the pattern of its growth during the coming year. They will nourish the new birth that takes place at Christmas and allow it to unfold in the intended direction. Essence may now receive these vivifying, nourishing, creative energies deep within, but only those who are conscious will be able to use them for their own transformation.

Indeed, for many three-brained beings their Essence has become surrounded by a thick "crust" of Personality, and even False Personality. In these cases, the finer energies of the Twelve Days fall on stony ground and are lost.

For those of us trying to awaken, however, then as well as attempting to live in an atmosphere of joy and to keep our emotional balance amid the conflicting energies of Earth that surround us now, our spiritual growth depends on our consciously assimilating and cherishing these sacred energies. Without them, no growth takes place. 

If we have prepared well during Advent, the new birth in Essence that takes place at Christmas now receives everything necessary for its own growth and wellbeing, so that our whole planetary presence will be able to attain a higher level of understanding during the coming year. What's more, our Essence will be strengthened so that in time it may direct our actions, using Personality to achieve its aims, rather than the other way round. 

This is our Aim in the Work. 

The concentrated period of Twelve Days lasts until January 6th, the time when traditionally the most intense celebrations of Christmas come to an end. It's considered unlucky to take down one's Christmas tree and decorations before that date, at least in England, and this tradition embodies the ancient knowledge of the importance of this time.

For many, indeed, the holy energies of Christmas continue to resound, though in an attenuated form, right through to February 2nd, Candle Mass.

The meaning of these dates is that, on January 6th, the increased time and strength of the Sun's rays= is visible in the heavens. What we have celebrated in our earthly world is now apparent above, and we can relax somewhat in our efforts to encourage the Sun to be reborn!

But the sacred energies I've described will continue to be transmitted, even though the planet Earth now moves out of direct alignment with those furthest reaches of the galaxy, right through until the beginning of February. Then, the increased light of the Sun becomes more and more obvious, and the emphasis in the natural world is towards physical growth and reproduction.

In ancient lore, the Earth is seen as completing one breath during the cycle of the year. We can see this in certain Work diagrams. The Earth begins to breath in, as it were, at Midsummer, and the breath is retained throughout the period of the Winter solstice. Then, during the Twelve Days of Christmas, the gentle out-breathing begins, until the complete exhalation takes place at the next Midsummer.

During each solstitial period, approximately four days, the Sun literally appears to stand still; this is the meaning of "solstice". At this point, the Earth is "holding its breath", leaving a space of time at the end of the inbreath, when the breath is retained, and again at the completion of the outbreath.

Such teaching is found throughout esoteric studies, and can be traced in the Egyptian, Babylonian and Greek Mysteries. It was well-known to the Sarmoung Brotherhood, of whom I firmly believe the Three Wise Men were members.

It was lost to the world for many centuries, though kept alive in underground traditions. It resurfaced for a time during the Neo-Platonic revival at the Renaissance, and again in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which was a period when much real knowledge was again given to the world; this, of course, is supremely exemplified by the Work.

Knowledge, we are told, becomes more available when our planet is passing through critical periods, times of extreme stress and danger. It is given out freely so that those who can respond, and contribute to the evolution of life itself, may play their part.

All our teachers in the Work, from Gurdjieff and Ouspensky on through Dr Nicholl, Mrs Pogson, Marian and others both known and unknown to the public, have transmitted such knowledge to us.

We honour their memory and continue the great tradition when we practice what they taught. And right now, celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas and responding to the sacred energies most present now, is our Work task.

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